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Photo courtesy of Hermes Records

Sound & Visual Media


- WeTransfer Presents Fiore & Bilic: Sounds of Tehran

A short film which follows Tehran-based sound artist Nesa and captures her experiences in the creative world, as well as the way she navigates her city.

Soundscapes of Gates of Tehran

Sound artist: Vedad Famourzadeh 

- 'Tehranscape' 

- M و E ر T ت R م O

At one point, THEY decided that women should have their own special metro wagons in order to remain safe from the constant occurrences of sexual harassments. Iranian women took the insult and made these female-only wagons into a safe community for socializing and commerce. A limbo space that is almost private and public at the same time. How does such a space inform our movements within the social, economic, and individual context of these female-only wagons? Choreographer Marie Zvosec Composer Niloufar Nourbakhsh.

Xeno Canto 

Listen to bird sounds from around the world: Tehran

00:00 / 00:52
00:00 / 00:12

NB Turn up volume to hear pylon buzz

Writing on Tehran Sounds


Shima Bach and Ehsan Dorostkar2017. ‘Making the Soundscape Map of the City Using the Grounded Theory and Nvivo Application (Case Study: The District 12 of Tehran)’, Journal of Environmental Studies, 43(2): 267-284.

- Lauren Braithwaite. 2016. The Soundtrack to Mar Bazi: Automobile Protests in the Islamic Republic of Iran. MST Dissertation, University of Oxford.

- Ja‘fari-Harandi, Minâ. 2016. 'Yek Gune-ye Tāzeh Motevalled Shode-ye Musiqi-ye Khiâbâni dar Tehrân' ('A Newborn Street Music in Tehran"'), 

Mahoor Music Quarterly, 70: 89-116.

Roshanak Kheshti. 2012. ‘Rallying Cries as Suffering Sounds: “Allah-O-Akbar” and the Aurality of Feminized Iranian Suffering’, Sounding Out!

Roshanak Kheshti. 2015. ‘On the Threshold of the Political: The Sonic Performativity of Rooftop Chanting in Iran’, Radical History Review, 2015 (121): 51-70.

- Laudan Nooshin. 1999.  ‘From Prayers at Dawn to Techno in the Park: Iran's Changing Soundscapes’. Conference paper presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of the European Seminar in Ethnomusicology. 12-15 November, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.


Laudan Nooshin. 2016. ‘Sounding the City: Tehran’s Contemporary Soundscapes’, The Middle East in London magazine, volume 12(2): 5-6.

Mahsa Pakravan. 2016. Soundscape, Sonic Experience, and Sonic memory in Iran: Jewish and Muslim Cultural Identity in Udlajan, Tehran. PhD, University of Alberta.

Mahsa Pakravan. 2017. ‘Soundscape and Sonic Memory: Dynamics of Jewish and Muslim Day-to-day Social Interactions in Udlajan, Tehran’, Sound Studies 3(2): 134-51.

Kamyar Salavati. 2017. 'Historical Masonry Songs in Iran: Introducing a Worksong through Historical Documents”, Mahoor Ethnomusicology Quarterly, Volume 73: 93-99.


Pouyan Shahabian and Sayedeh Larimiyan. 2017. 'Survey on Soundscape on Valiasr Street in Tehran with Emphasis on a Human Perception’, Journal of Architecture, Urban Design and Urban Planning, 9(17):237-48. In Persian (abstract in English).


Mohsen Shahrnazdarصدای شهر؛ صدای تهران ('Sounds of the City; Sounds of Tehran')

Nahid Siamdoust. 2015. ‘Tehran’s Soundscape as a Contested Public Sphere : Blurring the lines between Public and Private', Divercities Competing Narrative and Urban Practices in Beirut, Cairo and Tehran(conference proceedings). Orient-Institut Beirut.

Mohammad Hossein Tamjidi and Zeinab Loftalikhani. 2015. ‘Feasibility Study of Creating Audio Tourism with Emphasis on Urban Sounds. Case Study in Three Cities: Tehran, Mashhad and Isfahan’, International Journal of Cultural and Digital Tourism, Volume 1(1): 70-82.

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00:00 / 00:36
tehran bird quality.jpg
Tajrish birds
00:00 / 00:31

Urban Space and Place in Iran

- R. Alishahi, A.R. Sadeghi and M. Sholeh. 2021. ‘Soundscape Assessment in Historical Urban Spaces Using Sound Walk Method and Kano Model’, International Journal of Human Capital in Urban Management, 6(1): 11-28. 

- Asef Bayat. 2010. ‘Tehran: Paradox City’, New Left Review, 66:99-122.

Kristin Soraya Batmanghelichi. 2015. ‘Red Lights in Parks: A Social History of Park-e Razi’, Divercities: Competing Narratives and Urban Practices in Beirut, Cairo and  Tehran (conference proceedings). Orient-Institut Beirut.

Delaram Ghanimifard. 2015. Representation of Power Relation in Public Sapces in Tehran: Azadi Square and Beheshte Zahra Cemetary. MPhil. City University London.

Vali Mahlouji. ‘Archaeology of the Final Decade. Re-creating Shahr-e No: The Intimate Politics of the Marginal’, Iran: Unedited History 1960-2014, pages 216-218.

- Asma Mehan. 2017. ‘Manifestation of Power: Toopkhaneh Square, Tehran’, Spaces & Flows: International Conference on Urban and ExtraUrban Studies, 8(2):77-88.

- Reza Masoudi. 2018. The Rite of Urban Passage: The Spatial Ritualization of Iranian Urban Transformation. Berghan Books.


- Hussain Nazmfar, Ahmad Aftab, Ata Ghafari Gilandeh, Mirnajaf Mousavi. 2018. ‘Key Factors Influencing the Planning of a Creative City (Case Study: Urmia)’, Geographical Urban Planning Research, 6(1).

- Musa Pazhuhan, Keramotolah Zayyari, Behnam Ghasemzadeh and Hamid Ghorbani. 2015. ‘Urban Identity and Iranian New Towns’, Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis, 7(1): 83-100.

- Alex Shams. 2015. ‘Urban Space and the Production of Gender in Modern Iran’, The Funambulist Papers, Volume 7.

History of Tehran


- Bahram Beygai. 1977. Tehran: An Urban Analysis. Tehran.

- Eckart Ehlers and Willem Floor. 1993. ‘Urban Change in Iran, 1920-1941’, Iranian Studies, 26 (3-4): 251-75.

- Ali Madanipour. 1998. Tehran: The Making of a Metropolis. Wiley.

- Mina Marefat.1988. Building to Power: Architecture of Tehran, 1921-1941. PhD Thesis, MIT.

- Tehran Map Museum

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Sonic Tehran is supported by City, University of London and The Leverhulme Trust 

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